Thursday, April 27, 2017

An Adventure is Always Near

Let’s travel the world!  A grand idea with so much to offer.  But where do I start?  The past few months the urge to travel has been knocking at my door, and I can no longer contain it.  There has to be more than the same mundane routine that has afflicted the way I see life to be.  Waking up, going to work, paying bills, figuring out what to eat for dinner, studying... blah blah blah. 

I am over it! 

I have to many wants to be satisfied with my ONE life.  That is the first thing that I have to tell myself.  This is not a video game.  I cannot go back and start again, try another route, make an alternate decision.  I fear that I can only hope that there is an alternate universe in where I make the choices that produce a welcoming lifestyle.   

While traveling the world is a goal I will accomplish, I am fine starting out small.  My wanderlust can be cured by day trips, overnight camping and hiking, and well, just something to explore.  There is so much to see that is nearby and doesn’t require much time planning or away from my responsibilities. 

I have lived in Florida my entire life and have yet to scratch the surface of what this state can offer me.  Within a span of a few years I have explored trails and beaches, forts and caves; not to mention the obvious tourist hot spots.  The dining experiences have been rustic and grand, giving each city its own unique feel. 

This blog is to allow you to explore where I have been, where I want to go, and how I got there.  Enjoy the ride!